Monday, September 23, 2013

Heavenly Father's timing is not always my timing

September 23, 2013

Hola todos!

It's getting colder. Maybe we will get lucky and have another snowy Halloween. Last night we were at the Anderson's house and they were telling us all about the blizzard of '78. Apparently the whole town (maybe the state) was shut down for two weeks. How crazy would that be? 

This week seems to have flown by. We were given a list of sisters who do not currently have visiting teachers assigned to them by the visiting teaching coordinator. Our job has been to go through that list to find out why. Many of them have moved from the listed address. We have been quite busy with not only this list, but also trying to get in contact with all the Spanish members in the area. 

Wednesday we are going to have our first taste of "Split Night." The sister missionaries will go out with a few sisters in the ward to do their visiting teaching or visit a few less-actives while the elders will be going out with some of the brothers in the ward. With us as their temporary companions, we are able to reach and get to know more people, while the members are doing their duty as visiting or home teachers. The purpose of the Visiting and home teaching programs are to make sure that physical and spiritual needs of families and individuals are looked out for on a more personal basis. Two sisters are assigned as companions to visit with and leave a message with each of their assigned sister each month. The message can be and should be adapted to the individual needs of the sisters (or in the case of home teaching the families).

Conference is coming up! Just like how God spoke to the people through prophets in the Bible, He speaks to us today. He is our loving Heavenly Father and He gives guidance to us through His prophets. Here are a few ways that you can prepare yourself to hear the words of a modern day prophet called of God.

We had a really good lesson with Hailey talking about how Heavenly Father loves us so much that He created a perfect plan for us. That He knows us so well to have sent us to the families that He sent us to. He knew the experiences we would need to have as children (especially the things that our parents taught us) to get us to where we are now. He knew exactly when and where to send us so that we could have the best chance to make the right decisions to get back to Him because that is truly what He wants. It is amazing how when we teach, I feel like we are teaching me. I felt like everything that was said during that lesson was something I needed to hear and be reminded of. We are all children of Heavenly Father and He really does love us. He really does want us to have the best that He can give us, but it is up to us to choose to receive the blessings that He is willing to give us.

The Baez family were sealed in the Boston temple this Saturday for time and all eternity. I was not able to attend myself, but I was told that it was a very beautiful and joyous experience. I was able to talk to Sister Baez last night and she told me all about how the boys were good the whole time, how peaceful she felt after and how she feels like a different person now. There are no words to tell how much this family means to me and how happy I am that they have been sealed. They have made covenants that will bring their family so much happiness and so many blessings. 

The Baez  family and Karee

Talking about covenants, Ashley from Boston, was baptized yesterday. Once again, I wish with all my heart that I could have been there to support her. If there is one thing I learned this week it is that Heavenly Father's timing is not always my timing, but that His timing is always perfect. While I don't know exactly what came of my presence here in Worcester those two days, I do know that Heavenly Father does need me here for a reason and that by small and simple things, great things come to pass. Heavenly Father knew exactly what would happen those two days and He knew how to best help His children. The time right now is not mine, I have chosen to give it to the Lord. It might be a little weird to some people, but to me it means that I have a few sacrifices to make now, so that later the joy can be so much greater! I know that those friendships will be stronger and the time that we share together will be sweeter!

The pictures:
Remember how SIster Godoy called me Barbie in Malibu? Well we found my house! We just had to get a picture. Too bad I wasn't wearing anything more flashy.
Karee's companion called Karee Barbie and her Malibu car and then they found Barbie's house

The Young Women had a cooking activity where they prepared meals for a family in the ward. They were there without a camera and I decided to step up. I am not the best photographer in the world... far from it, but they did have a fun time.

Young Womens activity

Karee and a youth from the ward

making a dinner for a family in the ward

I love you all!

Love always,
Sister K. Brown

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