Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Little Pink

February 3, 2014

This Saturday evening we came home to find that someone had left us a present. A cute banner with a bag full of candy and some flowers. The members here are so thoughtful! Those flowers sure made my evening and have really brightened up our room. The members here are working hard to share their beliefs with others. We sat in on the mission preparation class, where we heard a bunch of wonderful stories told by the youth of their experiences sharing the gospel. It is so  neat to hear about how many opportunities these youth have to stand up for their beliefs and be a beacon of light to the world.
We are trying to get a few new ideas for showing the members that we love them and that we appreciate all that they do. We have plans to go heart attack a few people... which is going to be so much fun! The idea will be to cut out a few hearts and write a few scriptures and quotes about love. Rosa, Sister Fernandez, and probably a couple other people who may not be expecting it. 

Sunday we went to the Lopez family home evening which is actually more like a family reunion every other weekend. One of the granddaughters who has recently served a mission gave a wonderful lesson about testimonies and what they should really be. We watched a short clip about how Brigham Young felt when he heard the simple yet powerful testimony of a man who felt like he didn't have anything to say. Later at Sister Fernandez's house, we were reminded once again about testimonies. She was telling us some funny stories about some the the fast and testimony meetings she has been in. It was a wonderful reminder that I need to be bearing a small simple testimony more often. That is the one thing that I am going to be working on this week. I need to not worry as much about what I am going to say so that the Spirit truly can lead me.

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